drug addict

www.thehealingplace.org New Women & Children’s Community


www.thehealingplace.org New Women & Children’s Community – www.thehealingplace.org Louisville, KY Reach the homeless, offer Recovery for the addicted, and help Restore productive lives.


DYCHE | Questions for Senator McConnell

Filed under: drug addiction help in louisville ky

He takes a lot of questions, but U. S. Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky is a master at not actually answering them. Unlike so many … As he has recently and repeatedly demonstrated, McConnell has absolutely no problem with avoiding or stiff-arming …
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How Do I Help the Drug War?

Question by prettyparadoxal 1: how do i help the drug war?
i want to help conquer the oxi war but am a single mom what can i do?
where is a better place to ask this question on ya?

Best answer:

Answer by Shaan
Yes u should focus on this matter deeply and start contecting to expert of it who can help u properly contect to any health related department so theywould help you properly…..if u have any question then its my youtube account add me on youtube www.youtube.com/com/belfastguy50

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

What Is the Community of Priests Who Devote Themselves to the Rehabilitation of Priests Addicted to Alcohol ?

Question by edita t: what is the community of priests who devote themselves to the rehabilitation of priests addicted to alcohol ?
pls find the answer

Best answer:

Answer by longneck242002
Never heard of it.

Give your answer to this question below!



drug addiction treatment centers 1-800-303-2938 – While the road to recovery can have difficulties, you will be prepared for anything that is ahead.Call 1-800-303-2938 and visit us http://drug-addiction-trea…


Should Doctors Being Treated for Drug Addiction Be Allowed to Practice…without Telling You ?

Question by moon_flower_unicorn_power: Should doctors being treated for drug addiction be allowed to practice…without telling you ?

Best answer:

Answer by Patrick
NO! The problem with doctors is that other doctor are their review board and they don’t want to get their friends in trouble. My goodness the courts make Brittany Spears take drug tests to be near her children and they’ll let doctors continue to use drugs and do open heart surgery. This has to change. The doctors need to leave their profession until and unless they get help, get their lives back in order and then go on a program where they are regularly tested for the rest of their professional career.

Does Anyone Know the Origin of the Saying to “Quit Cold Turkey”?

Question by Lemonada: Does anyone know the origin of the saying to “quit cold turkey”?
I just don’t get it.

Best answer:

Answer by D. Foreal
cold turkey
Origin: 1922

By 1922, cold turkey was not always a leftover from Thanksgiving dinner. For an addict, it was quite the opposite. “This method of sudden withdrawall,” explained a writer that year, “is described in the jargon of the jail as ‘the cold turkey’ treatment,” It meant “to immediately and completely give up a substance, such as narcotics or alcohol, to which one was addicted.”

My Sis Needs Rehab, but Has No $Can Anyone Recommend an Out Pt Support Drug Grp Meetings in Las Vegas? ?

Question by : My sis needs Rehab, but has no $ Can anyone recommend an out pt support drug grp meetings in las Vegas? ?

Best answer:

Answer by D.D.
The whole free groups of alcoholics anonymous, narcanon could be helpful and they would know the resources for your area as well.
The yellow pages also list the local mental health centers and they would know, and may have some low cost services.
You could also call the Health Department there and ask if there are low cost rehab, clinics etc.
The mens and womens shelters, listed there , would also know of those resources.
If you yahoo/google search ‘free rehab in las vegas’ a lot comes up. Looks like they have some free ones also.