What Usually Are the Therapy or Activities That Are Included in Drug Treatment Programs?

Question by kaycee: What usually are the therapy or activities that are included in drug treatment programs?
My husband will undergo a drug treatment program next month and I want to know the sort of therapy or activities that are included in the program. Are there exercises included in the program? Let me know.

Best answer:

Answer by Eva
If I’m not mistaken, such treatment programs include lectures, group discussions, yoga, exercises, acupuncture and therapy with psychiatrists and psychologists. The patients are also give healthy meals and whirlpool baths in order to regain the good health they lost and to provide the relaxation they need.

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Drug Treatment Programs in Oak Park IL | Call 800-281-9728 Need HELP? – Drug Treatment Programs in Oak Park IL – Call 800-281-9728 Need HELP? Need help in treating your loved one who is addicted to drugs? We understand that going…


Unpacking Shirley v. Precision Castparts Corp.: when do drug rehab programs

Filed under: drug treatment programs

The ADA does not protect an employee who is currently illegally using drugs, but the statute does protect an employee who is in or has completed rehab successfully and is no longer illegally using drugs (the ADA's "safe harbor" provision). Generally …
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