substance abuse treatment

Inpatient Drug Rehab Without Insurance Is It Possible I Live Is Wisconsin.?

Question by Hey You: Inpatient drug rehab without insurance is it possible I live is Wisconsin.?

Best answer:

Answer by fallen_angel

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Watertown woman faces up to 8½ years in prison for Drug Court violation

Filed under: inpatient drug rehab treatment program

He is expected to be sentenced June 6 to either 90 days in the Metro-Jefferson Public Safety Building or 28 days in an inpatient substance abuse treatment program. In either instance, he also will be sentenced to five years' probation, be fined $ 2,000 …

Mexican Police Kill US Marines on Behalf of Their Narco Masters?

Question by Jack: Mexican police kill US marines on behalf of their narco masters?
how much longer will the administration allows Mexico to be a marauding pirate state on our border? how much longer before we invade and occupy Mexico like should have been done years ago?
are we at the point where drone strikes are advisable?

Best answer:

Answer by ugotthat
How much longer will the United States be the biggest consumer of drugs and porn? I thought Republicans loved capitalism and no regulations anyway. The drug trade is capitalism in its purest form. Self regulating because if you cut your drugs too much you’ll kill your customers. Right now they’re battling over trade routes and acquisitions.

Teen Substance Abuse Treatment – Discovery in Recovery – Center for Discovery


Teen Substance Abuse Treatment – Discovery in Recovery – Center for Discovery – A client of Center for Discovery discusses Discovery in Recovery, the post-treatment support system at Center for Discovery. She discusses the different type…


Why Isnt the Cancer Cure All Over the News?

Question by WhoDaresWins: Why isnt the cancer cure all over the news?
Canada discovered a cure for many types of cancer and its rarely on the news..Why?… Cancer is a disease we can all potentially face, is it true that money is bigger than a disease such as cancer? Cancer is one thing that can bring us all together even though its in a bad way and people are worried about money? How corrupt is this world? I havent been diagnosed with such a disease but at times I was worried I had it and it stressed me out. Now there are people on death beds while those corporate pigs stuff their faces and wallets with food and cash. The drug is called DCA, its less than a few pennies, yet Big Pharma doesnt want to support it. Is this a joke? Look, its impossible to like everyone on earth, but damn really. Can’t people just support one another for once, or must greed always consume man? If everyone worked together without being so prejudice about other races, wouldnt the world be a better place? Im not a left winger either, but everyone should be treated equal, especially over something like this. Everyone deserves a chance to beat this disease, so why not make it big? Dont you guys think this should be bigger news, the miracle drug called DCA?
Actually there is results, they tested 5 people and it cured 4 of them and they had deadly brain tumors with a few months to live, I dont know why some people are so negative when there is a potential cure. And I know they tested it on rats and it works on them.
April im glad you beat brain cancer, thats fantastic but you are really being close minded no offense. Are you american? Cause A university in alberta done the tests on humans and 4/5 got cured. Its preposterous you call me a liar when people are dying from cancer, maybe if you thought about it im trying to bring more attention to this so it can maybe save more lives. Its so much easier to put other people down who are actually trying than to try to understand them. This drug makes the cancer cells commit suicide instead of directly attacking them. see???????? so much for lying right. These facts have been up for a while, obviously they are doing more testing
I know there are around 200 types of cancer and it works different with mice but thx again for the details people. I dont see why some people have to be so negative, this is still good news they are experimenting with DCA

Jehovah’s Witnesses Martyrs of the Holocaust?

Question by Adamantium: Jehovah’s Witnesses martyrs of the holocaust?
The Swedish government has produced a book on the Holocaust entitled Tell Ye Your Children, which has been distributed throughout the country free of charge to all households with children. This publication notes that Jehovah’s Witnesses “refused to swear an oath of allegiance to Hitler and Nazi Germany. Such resistance is exceptional because merely signing a document declaring their allegiance would have ended their persecution—yet few chose this option.”

Jehovahs Witnesses were the only group given a choice to stay in the concentration camps or swear allegiance to hitler.

Substance Abuse Treatment


Substance Abuse Treatment – the best substance abuse treatment center 877-987-33240! We specialize in opiate reversal programs. With our three d…