Drug Rehabilitation | Addiction Treatment Centers | Rehab Testimonials


Drug Rehabilitation | Addiction Treatment Centers | Rehab Testimonials – In addition, while many drug rehabilitation centers may frown on privileges such as the use of cell phones or laptop computers, 12 Palms Recovery Center enco…


Spirituality and Recovery Workshop for Young Adults Introduced at Promises

Filed under: drug rehab centers

Promises Treatment Centers in Malibu and West Los Angeles are the premier addiction treatment centers in Southern California. Led by some of the nation's leading addiction specialists, Promises has built an international reputation for innovative …
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March on Washington a call for environmental justice

Filed under: drug rehab centers

These hazards include close proximity to waste treatment centers, landfills, and coal plants that produce toxic air pollutants, and the tendency for communities of color to be situated in disaster-prone areas. One of the first environmental justice …
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