Alternative Sentencing Program for Incarcerated Mothers


Alternative Sentencing Program for Incarcerated Mothers – Chicago, IL: An addicted mother describes being sentenced to a family-based treatment program instead of prison.


Prostitution often grows from a life filled with trauma

Filed under: drug treatment programs in prison

Street prostitution and drug addiction tend to go hand in hand, but many prostitutes who get busted and put in mandatory drug treatment end up back on the streets. Experts say that for better results, treatment has to address another important part of …


Opinion: Holder's drug reforms are a smart, welcome move

Filed under: drug treatment programs in prison

In 2007 Texas had so many inmates that they faced a prison shortage. Instead of building more facilities, the state expanded treatment and rehabilitation programs for drug offenders. Not only did the state's crime rate drop, in 2011 for the first time …
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