What Do Drug Rehab Programs Do to Cure Someones Addiction to Illegal Drugs?

Question by Gerri R: What do drug rehab programs do to cure someones addiction to illegal drugs?
What does the treatment involve?
Is it anything like Alcoholics Anonymous, where they go to weekly meetings and say, “Hi, my name is John and I’m an alcoholic (or drug addict). Then they talk to other people at the meeting about drinking and why they like it, etc. Then learn the 12 steps and they are done. Or does drug rehab involve something totally different?

How can they get people to stop using something like Cocaine, which is just as addictive as Nicotine?
I don’t use illegal drugs, but I am currently trying to quit smoking and even with the patch and a “quit coach”, it is not easy and I’ve gone about 10 days smoke free, but I still have an occasional desire to smoke, I just know I can’t do it now. I think illegal drugs would probably be harder to quit than smoking.

Why don’t they have a similar rehab program for smoking?

Best answer:

Answer by lance
My mother works with drug addicts and this is what I know. If some one is heavily addicted they have to give consent to being admitted to a clinic, this usually done by persuading them to admit themselves via an intervention. If someone who is addicted to drugs and is immediately deprived of drugs they enter a withdrawal state often cold ” cold turkey ” this happens because the body has become dependant on the drug and no there is none. So what the doctors do is take the patient of their drugs and give them special medication to help the body through the withdrawal phase, but the patient will still not be fine and will experience a difficult time for a while. I’m not sure how long the patient is on these medicines, but the patient usually stays at the clinic or hospital. During their stay they are counselled individually and in groups with other addicts. Sometimes their is group counselling with their family and other addicts and their families. One can be addicted to many things and my mother has help people with addictions that are quite rare. Remember that Tiger Woods was in a clinic for sex addiction. I’m sure the clinics will be willing to admit you, the only difference will probably be the medication they give you to help your body to not be dependant on the nicotine. Firstly I think you should see a doctor and tell him what your problem is, the doctor will refer you to psychiatrist, who will probably give you your main treatment.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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