Any Good Ideas for Articles to Go in a School Newspaper?

Question by : Any good ideas for articles to go in a school newspaper?
I’m a junior in high school and I’m in Newspaper. It seems like we are running out of ideas for interesting articles. We have enough things in there about just current events and upcoming holidays, I’m looking for ideas more along the lines of something that would fill up a page and give the reader insight into something or even make them laugh. I would appreciate any and all suggestions.

For people who may have found this because they themselves were looking for ideas, I’ve written stuff/seen articles written by classmates about:

California Drug Re-Hab Earning Cash Helping Drug Treatment?

Question by : California Drug Re-Hab Earning cash Helping Drug Treatment?
i am 17 years old ( NO I DO NOT DO ANY HARD DRUGS) but i do *Admit* Marijuana should be
Legalized >>AnyWayz Me & My Best Friend Are Moving too California we are not sure where at yet in California we might move 2 >>Sandiego,California or like Beverly Hills,California soo my friend wants too work as >>>A Doctorate in Aerospace Engineering<<< he said he should be making around 120K A Year n soo i Really wanna fer my Self >>>How Can i Find a Drug Addition Program near “US” when We go Driving too California “We Are Not Rich yet” but i wanna help ppl get off of
>>>Hard Drugs such as … >>>Herion,Crack/Co-caine,Meth, any hard Drugs n i wanna try 2 find a Place like they do with >>>intervention<<< heres a >>>YouTube<<< Video Somones 1 >>>Herion Drug Addition >>>
a program somthin exactully like dat i could work fer n how much would i make fer 1 year or Monthly …etc n how long do i gotta go too school b4 i go into the Real Bussiness Job plzz tell me how much n i would love 2 know where i could do this at in California near
>>>Sandiego,California<<< or >>>Beverly Hills,California or if ya Find any otha places in California cause i heard their alott fights i dont wanna live somewhere wit Drugs or anything no Gangs soo if ya find somthing else plzz Email me @ my yahoo inbox at
[email protected]
Thank You! New Women & Children’s Community New Women & Children’s Community – Louisville, KY Reach the homeless, offer Recovery for the addicted, and help Restore productive lives.


DYCHE | Questions for Senator McConnell

Filed under: drug addiction help in louisville ky

He takes a lot of questions, but U. S. Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky is a master at not actually answering them. Unlike so many … As he has recently and repeatedly demonstrated, McConnell has absolutely no problem with avoiding or stiff-arming …
Read more on WDRB


Need a Test Prep Book, or an Old Test Of, the CAADE (California Assoc of Alcohol and Drug…?

Question by : Need a test prep book, or an old test of, the CAADE (California Assoc of Alcohol and Drug…?
…Abuse Educators) test. Thanks.
Am finding everything in the world but the CAADE test. Can you point me in the right direction?

Best answer:

Answer by carabids
The CAADE uses the CATC exam. They do not provide a practice exam and old exams are not released because questions get recycled. There are only minimal support materials available for free, unfortunately. There are sample items in the exam handbook (, and they also recommend that you use TIP 21 to prepare. These is free. TIP 21:

Nectar of the Gods – Alcohol, Religion, and Arkansas Drinking Culture With Dr. Philip Frana


Nectar of the Gods – Alcohol, Religion, and Arkansas Drinking Culture with Dr. Philip Frana – In the spring of 2011, sixteen Honors students at UCA conducted a wide-ranging oral history project on the social, economic, and legal aspects of drinking in…


FDA Approves Biogen’s Oral MS Drug, Tecfidera – Reuters – Today’s News


FDA approves Biogen’s oral MS drug, Tecfidera – Reuters – Today’s News – Today News By Toni Clarke. WASHINGTON | Wed Mar 27, 2013 5:10pm EDT. WASHINGTON (Reuters) U.S. regulators on Wednesday approved a new multiple sclerosis drug…