NIH, on the Inside: Gambling Addiction


NIH, on the Inside: Gambling Addiction – This episode of “NIH, on the Inside,” explores gambling addiction and research being conducted at the National Institutes of Health to understand why teenage…


SkyCity starts on 'heart of Adelaide'

Filed under: gambling addiction help

It just makes the gambling problem worse. There's not enough people to fill the existing casino. It's half empty all the time, so where will the people come from?" she asked. Jeremy Simpson of Forsyth Barr flagged parking problems in a December 18 …
Read more on New Zealand Herald


Live! Hotel & Casino partner: We've got the right team, the right location and

Filed under: gambling addiction help

Dealers who suspect a problem could cut a person off from gambling, but they would typically call their supervisor. That person talks to the individual about seeking help, he said. “We have millions of people coming. We don't need one person, two …


Fears of social breakdown as gambling explodes in Italy

Filed under: gambling addiction help

In October, Lombardy became the sixth region to pass legislation intended to curb gambling and help addicts. Dozens of municipalities have also drafted measures to limit gambling, such as reducing opening hours. The explosion of gambling ''is …