Looking to Volunteer at a Drug and Alcohol Treatment/rehabilitation Clinic?

Question by youngguy92: Looking to volunteer at a drug and alcohol treatment/rehabilitation clinic?
I am looking for some drug and alcohol treatment centers in California to volunteer for. First I am 19 going into my second year of college and want to volunteer at one because I am very interested in the field and guiding my way in that direction. The issue is I am having a hard time finding treatment centers in California (actually in southern California). I have been searching the internet for a while and all I can find are outpatient clinics. Thanks for the help!

Best answer:

Answer by Jayne says READ MORE BOOKS
Volunteering In Pursuit of a
Medical, Veterinary or Social Work Degree / Career

I’ve never heard of a resident treatment center involving volunteers – it’s so much investment in training that it’s just not worth it to spend that on a volunteer who will only be around for a few months.

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From Twitter:

http://t.co/olvHbyPg Treatment Centers in Seattle Drug and Alcohol Treatmentby duivictimpanel (dui victim panel)


From Twitter:

http://t.co/TBc906Bb Treatment Centers in Bellevue Drug and Alcohol Treatmentby duivictimpanel (dui victim panel)


From Twitter:

http://t.co/ChkPOZSI Treatment Centers in Seattle Drug and Alcohol Treatmentby duivictimpanel (dui victim panel)