Inpatient or Outpatient Treatment for Drug Addiction?

Question by KayleaF: Inpatient or outpatient treatment for drug addiction?
For a heroin addiction, is rehab more effective to get clean than any outpatient treatment?

Best answer:

Answer by Brigette
Yes it is a must, the withdrawals symptoms from heroin happens because the body stops producing serotonin and they usually feel severe physical pain. Naltroxene is used to treat heroin withdrawal.
Besides of that addiction is a whole wide area people often need help controlling their addictive personality, they often tend to self destruct when under severe stress, often heroin addicts when abstaining from heroin, and have gone through treatment, they turn to other drugs after.

Addiction need to be treated at a therapeutic level so in-treatment and after outpatient treatment is necessary such as Narcotics anonymous which is a support group for people who have seized using. They often are prescribed medication after rehabilitation for periods of time. It is hard to treat and often they relapse up to 6 or 7 times. Drug addiction is dangerous and it kills.

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