If Drug Odor and Foul Air Seeps Into an Apartment Due to Drug Abuse by Other Tenants, Can You Break the Lease?

Question by Sharon: If drug odor and foul air seeps into an apartment due to drug abuse by other tenants, can you break the lease?
The air is very strong and concentrated in all rooms of the apartment due to their cigarette and drug use. Can the lease be broken in California without penalty?

Best answer:

Answer by sparkle7776896969
I think you have to go to your landlord first and have them try to remedy the problem before you leave without penalty. If you go to yoru landlord, make sure you get something in writing that you did bring this to their attention, and if no resolution happens, then you can move out (and have something to cover your butt if the landlord comes after you later)

You also may have to call the police to get involved (i’m not sure if you are scared to do that, I know drug users can be dangerous…)

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Parents complete drug abuse program

Filed under: Drug Abuse California

By Joe Johnson Hanford Sentinel | Posted: Friday, May 18, 2012 11:45 am | (0) Comments HANFORD — Kings County's Family Drug Dependency Treatment Court reached a milestone last week when its first group of parents graduated from the program.
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Data suggests drug treatment can lower US crime

Filed under: Drug Abuse California

The rate of overall illegal drug use in the United States has declined by roughly 30 percent since 1979. But Thursday's report, based on thousands of arrestee interviews and drug tests, showed that on average 71 percent of men arrested in 10 US …
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