I Need Some Story Ideas for a Horror or Addiction?

Question by Kara: I need some story ideas for a horror or addiction?
I writing a book about a girl that loses everything she owns and herself she becomes addicted to herion and her life changes. I’m stomped on how to run this story. How to add romance. I’m not sue if I should write this. Cuz it’s basically what happened to me.
Should I write a horror? You know how your in the book store and your looking for a type of book and you have this idea of what you want it to be like a d you can’t find a book like, so your just like ill write it. Well I also want to write a haunted scary book. Yet I want a realistic addiction book . I can’t figure it out.

Best answer:

Answer by Kira
Do a plot twist… Make it seem like shes in a haunted situation with sightings of ghosts, people who died in horrid ways. But in the end is a plot twist that it was her addiction to drugs which lead her to see these thing and lose everything she had.
So the reader least suspects those things to happen.
Start the bit slowly, mention drugs vaguely without saying she takes them.. Maybe when shes at home she feels a buzz but don’t explain why.
Though the slow bit build her life up, gets job, gets wealthy, husband then it slowly goes…. and in the end she loses her mind and the reader discovers it was because of the drugs and it wasnt real, or was it?
You got the best of both ways there :3
Message me for more help if you want

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