Detox for a Junk Food Addict?

Question by alex.rover: Detox for a junk food addict?
I eat A LOT of junk food and it makes me feel sluggish, unhealthy and just sick overall. I want to make a change and eat healthy now but first I think my body may need a detox. I’ve unfortunately tried to stop eating junk food before but have failed. I’m just so addicted 🙁 but this time I know I have to be more serious about it because it is effective my health!! What do you recommend is the safest and most efficient detox for me? And any other health and fitness advice for someone who is desperate to get healthy!!!

Best answer:

Answer by Marina del Rey
Are You a Junk Food Addict? | The Dr. Oz Show Cached
A little snack here, a little nibble there, but you can stop any time, right? Not if you’re a junk food addict. Are you gaining a pound or two a year and don’t …
Junk Foods – Breaking The Junk Food Addiction…
4. Breaking The Junk Food Addiction 4.1 The Psychological Appeal of Junk Food. We cannot blame the entire junk food problem on the manufacturers and advertisers of …
Junk food is engineered to addict you to chemical ingredients…junk_food_addiction_ingredients.html Cached
(NaturalNews) Regular readers of Natural News, as well as scores of others in the U.S. and around the world, have long since known of the health dangers of junk food …
Junk Food Addiction Cached
An article looking into the health and obesity problem of junk food addiction. A quick look at junk food effects and addiction.
Junk Food Addict – Yahoo! Voices – Cached
With a junk food addict, the sugar and fat soaked brain isn’t able to relay the signal that we have had enough and it is time to stop eating, …
Brain Imaging Shows Food Addiction Is Real…/archive/2013/…food-addiction.aspx Cached
Drugs and vaccines are clearly not going to do anything to address the underlying problem of addictive junk food. Brain Imaging Shows Food Addiction Is Real.
Junk Food Addiction Linked To Pregnant Mothers’ Eating Habits …… Cached
[May 7, 2013] Junk Food Addiction Linked To Pregnant Mothers’ Eating Habits, Research Says ( 31 Comments )
Junk Food Addict – EzineArticles Submission – Submit Your … Cached
Are addicted to junk food? This article will shed some light on its effects on everyday people.
How to beat junk food addiction – – Evidence … Cached
A complete guide on how to beat junk food addiction. If you think you might be addicted to fast food, sugar or wheat, and find yourself overeating.
How one family broke its junk food addiction | Shine Food ……food/…junk-food-addiction-2530910.html Cached
From the blog Shine Food: How long could you go without junk food? Last year, the Leake family attempted to abstain for 100 days. A year later, it’s still going strong.

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