Alcohol Treatment Center in New York


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Jimmy Choo founder finds sobriety, builds fashion empire

Filed under: drug rehab treatment ny

The treatment began with a five-day detox, which I didn't really need, because I'd never drunk enough to create a physical addiction. I was a party girl, not the kind of alcoholic who would sit at home, Lost Weekend style, scheming to get my hands on a …


Stop calling alcohol “MommyJuice”: How liquor companies target women

Filed under: drug rehab treatment ny

Rehab had prepared me. I was to take a scorched-earth approach to our environment: remove all alcohol, hide all drinking paraphernalia—corkscrews, pretty glasses, ice buckets. I was to make sure my environment was alcohol-free. We asked Jake's …
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Lindsay Lohan Back on Drugs? Addict's Late Night With User After Hotel Arrest

Filed under: drug rehab treatment ny

As part of her rehab treatment, Lindsay Lohan reportedly made a list of friends to keep after she got out. It was said … Vikram Chatwal is the owner of The Dream Hotel in New York City, the same hotel Lindsay was arrested outside of last year for a …
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Glee star Cory Monteith and the disease of addiction

Filed under: drug rehab treatment ny

He left Florida when he got on a fast track into an elite New York City art school. At the time, he felt overwhelmed and insecure. "It was easy to wake up in the morning and go down to the corner store, and get a bag of heroin, just like you'd get a …
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