united states

New York Psychologist Dr. Reiner on NBC Discusses Internet Addiction


New York Psychologist Dr. Reiner on NBC discusses Internet Addiction – New York Psychologist Dr. Reiner is featured on NBC discussing Internet Addiction. Growing up in the age of technology, many people, especially children, hav…


NIMHANS poll finds teens laid low by digital excess

Filed under: internet addiction help

Naman is just one of the hundreds of teenage students in Bangalore who have grown to become compulsive users of digital media like the internet, video games, television, etc. and have as a result, ruined their academic performance, family, and social …
Read more on Bangalore Mirror

Does the Prescription Drug, Geodon, Have Any Affects if Abused?

Question by ChaseWorkman™: Does the prescription drug, Geodon, have any affects if abused?
My son is on Geodon to treat his bipolar and ive been finding pills missing. I think he’s either taking them or selling them. So i was wondering what the affects are if abused.
let me rephrase it, and i dont mean overdose. What are the affects so i can look and see if my son is abusing them.

Best answer:

Answer by Matth3w
What happens if I overdose?
Seek emergency medical treatment if you think you have used too much of this medicine. Overdose symptoms may include drowsiness, problems with speech, dizziness, feeling light-headed, fainting, fast or pounding heartbeat, or restless muscle movements in your eyes, tongue, jaw, or neck.

Why Is Alcohol Legal but Most Drugs Aren’t?

Question by Random: Why is alcohol legal but most drugs aren’t?
I personally enjoy marijuana and MDMA on occasion. I have not tried any other drugs, so I am only going to talk about these two since I know the most about them. Here are some facts.

Alcohol is physically addictive and frequent and excessive drinking can create a physical dependency. Marijuana and MDMA are not addictive and no physical dependency is possible.

Alcohol abuse makes people violent and can lead to abuse, rape, etc. Marijuana users like to sit at home, watch movies, and eat snacks (not harmful to anyone!). MDMA users like to dance a lot and hug inanimate objects (also not harmful to anyone!)

Are There Free Reputable Rehab Treatment Programs?

Question by djz: Are there free reputable rehab treatment programs?
my son needs help to get off heroin…and we need to know how to help him, but money is a problem…thanku

Best answer:

Answer by Coconut
If you live in the United States. Call your local United Way office. The United Way often sponsors nonprofitable rehabilitation programs in the community.

If your son can’t get into rehab, they do offer sliding scale mental health services.

Add your own answer in the comments!



Is There Any Treatment for Liver Cancer Which Is in Final Stage?

Question by dharshininatarajan: is there any treatment for liver cancer which is in final stage?

Best answer:

Answer by super stud
I don’t know but you could start smoking ,drinking, and do some drugs and have unprotected sex.

Give your answer to this question below!


Treating advanced cervical cancer: an interview with Dr. Krishnansu Tewari

Filed under: drug treatment programs maryland

Although there are only 12,000 new cases in the United States each year because of successful screening and vaccination programs, still 4,000 women die each year from this disease in the US. Unlike many other cancers, cervical cancer affects younger …
Read more on News-Medical.net

Drug Addiction?

Question by Just Wondering: Drug Addiction?
I am taking a class on Social Problems and we have to do a project on a certain social problem in our society. The topic I chose is drug addiction. I see this as a pretty bad social problem in the united states. I am trying to get some ideas on what causes drug addiction. What makes people want to try drugs. I know a lot of people try drugs out of curiousity or boredom or maybe stress. I don’t know because I do not use drugs. Anyways, any ideas or suggestions or anything please feel free.